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"It’s a scary thing trying to get help, but Cherry creek took a lot of that anxiety and fear out of the equation. I was able to get personalized recommendations on which provider from the team would best fit my needs."


Our mission

IIt takes an addict to know an addict. Our knowledge in addiction recovery comes from real life experience, not just a textbook. From detox to sobriety, trust our team to help you through with a high level of skill and care. Below are some of the addiction types we treat:

  • Marijuana

  • Alcohol

  • Opiates: heroin, Oxycontin, morphine, oxycodone, and more

  • Co-occurring disorders: drug addiction and mental illness

  • Methamphetamines: meth, speed, crystal, ice, Adderall, and more

  • Anxiety drugs: Xanax, benzos, Klonopin, and more

Your treatment, your way

Drug and alcohol addiction is a chronic brain disease. That’s why we at Cherry Hill treat it with the importance and expertise it demands. Count on us to provide you with:

1:1 medical and clinical counseling

An entire team of trained psychiatric specialists, from interventionists, to talented and dynamic group therapy counselors, to eating disorder specialists

Round-the-clock care, every day of the year

The most appropriate counselor for your particular case. We take pride in our individualized care, and match you with a team best suited to help you with your addiction


What Is Rehab?

Rehab is a place someone suffering from an addiction goes, whether it be from alcohol, illegal drugs, or even prescription drugs. It’s normal to have many questions about rehab.

Scary thoughts may run through your mind about attending rehab, but there is absolutely no reason to be nervous about attending a recovery center. Rehab is a safe place to heal from the pain the world has brought you. Renewal and relaxation come from attending rehab. The goal of attending is to not only achieve sobriety, but it helps to clear your thoughts and give meaning to your life once again, something you might have lost or replaced with substance use. Rehab picks you up with love and care and puts you back on your feet, feeling confident and supported unlike ever before.

Questions About Rehab: Why Should I Go?

Detox is the first step to getting clean and overcoming your addiction. It is entirely possible to detox at home alone, but this is strongly advised against due to the dangers at-home detox might bring. If the chemical dependence on the brain is intense, especially if the drug dependency is on alcohol or opioids, unsupervised detox can be fatal. Rehab gives you professional medical care to ensure detox is carried out as efficiently and as comfortably as possible. Prescriptions may be given during detox to help cope with pain. Detoxing at home can be extremely uncomfortable, most of the time too uncomfortable to continue, making the user retreat back to the drug and develop a fear of detoxing again in the future.

Besides a safe and comfortable detox, rehab can give you a sense of purpose once again. Mediation and other techniques taught in rehab renew your mind, body, and soul. Focusing on yourself, rather than the world around you, allows you to discover your inner issues and open your eyes to how strong you are without your addiction. Being surrounded by love and support strengthens this process, especially being surrounded by those who are struggling with the same issues as you. Being encircled by love and warmth gives you a bigger reason to continue the process and stay sober.

How Long Does Rehab Last?

Typical treatment plans last from 30, 45, 60, or 90 days depending on the severity of the addiction. Depending on the type of program you choose, you may spend more or less time in rehab. An inpatient program is where you stay in the recovery center for the duration of your treatment, while outpatient programs allow you to come in several times a week to check in and get help. Inpatient programs take you away from the temptations of your surroundings for the time being and are recommended for those with a higher chemical dependence. Outpatient programs are more suited for those who can’t leave responsibilities such as their career or their children. Attending an outpatient program can allow you to come in only a couple days a week to every day check in, depending on the rehab center and severity of your dependence.

What Can I Bring To Rehab?

Every rehab center differs in the items you can bring. You are almost always allowed necessities such as toiletries, including shaving cream and a razor. You will want to bring a list of contacts to keep on file in case of emergencies and cash to buy little things you may not think about but end up needing within the facility. Stamps and envelopes are encouraged to have for writing letters to friends and family. Bringing pictures of friends and family will help support you through the process. A journal or notebook is recommended so you can write about your experiences and thoughts while on this new journey in your life. Most rehab centers will have designated smoking areas and allow you to bring cigarettes, but this is something to check on with the center.

Many rehab centers do have a dress code and will not allow you to wear too short of shorts or revealing tops (this is something to check with as well). Always make sure to bring tennis shoes and workout clothes just in case you are engaging in physical activity. It’s safe to assume you should bring at least 7 days’ worth of day and night clothes. Pack for any type of weather, meaning bring both lighter and heavier clothes just in case. No drugs of any kind (other than certain prescription medications) will ever be permitted at a recovery center, so make sure they are not packed in your suitcase. Medication is allowed if it is sealed and approved by a doctor. If you bring something that is not allowed, not to worry. You will get it back once you have graduated from your program.

What Is A Normal Day In Rehab Like?

A normal day depends entirely on the rehab center. Usually, detox will be the first step in your recovery process. This could last anywhere from one day to two weeks. After you have successfully completed detox, you will be able to relax and recover by engaging in activities provided by the recovery center. Some have normal routines, such as breakfast first, then meditation, maybe group therapy, and then an outdoor activity. Others set aside free time for what the guest would like to do. Every day there will be some type of therapy and always set times for nutritional meals. The rest depends on the specific amenities the center provides.

How Do I Get My Loved Ones To Trust Me After Rehab?

Gaining back a loved one’s trust is not an easy thing to do, but it is not impossible either. Graduating from rehab proves you want to better your life and are ready to make a permanent change. They will understand your struggles and will be willing to help support your new journey to a better life. The good news is they want to trust you again, you just have to make it easy for them. You can achieve this in a couple ways.

Make these new routines for your new life:

Be open and honest. This helps rebuild trust.

Never lie. You will only make it harder to trust you.

Create new routines. Sticking to a routine helps you stay on track for your goals and maintain a healthier lifestyle.

Eat healthy. Eating healthy will show your loved ones you care about your well-being, which helps promote the idea you will stick to your goals of sobriety.

Do You Have More Questions About Rehab?

If you have any additional questions about rehab, including payment options and how to enroll. Contact a treatment provider today for more information.

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